When in doubt, you can always look into expanding your horizons or polishing off your skills. You can check out courses online or YouTube videos to see what skills you could develop or get a refresher on. On the other hand, some jobs may require other documents besides degrees.

Please note that all salaries listed are based on US salaries and are meant to give you an idea of the possibilities. You may end up earning significantly more or significantly less based on the specific job, where you live, and other criteria. Happy Scribe offers transcription and subtitling services using AI-powered tools, providing efficient and accurate transcriptions for various media formats.

Business Analyst

Microinfluencers are what brands are after and if you have a smaller or smallish following, you are just who they want to partner with. Register now to apply for jobs, manage applications and much more. If you want to manage writers and guide the content of a blog, magazine, or other publication, an editorial position might be right for you. best remote jobs for moms As a web developer, you’ll focus on creating and maintaining the technical foundation for a successful website. If you’re knowledgeable about computers and you like working with people, you may want to become a Help Desk worker. As a typist, you’ll get paid to type up meetings, legal proceedings, or medical procedures as they happen.

Hairdressers can often work out of their homes for a little extra income, and many work at home for a different kind of styling than they would do in a salon. That means that not only can hair dressing get you more money, but it can be a way to keep your job interesting. Car washing might be a common job for fundraisers, but it’s a decent part-time gig as well. Since most car washers are paid in cash it’s easy to accept pay under the table. However, car washing is usually a job that’s most available in the summer, so you’ll need a different source of income for the winter. Starting a home backed goods service is a good way to earn cash and save money, especially for stay-at-home parents and others with free time in the day.

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Blogging has been the easiest, most fulfilling business I ever started. The income is more than I need and I enjoy providing value to others. Accounting Department provides comprehensive outsourced accounting solutions to businesses, focusing on efficiency and financial management. I did work from home 25 years with 3 children and no husbond as a professional therapist treating clients and teaching. If you think you might enjoy helping people get hired into a new job, a recruiting position may be a good fit.

good remote jobs for moms